Friday, March 26, 2010

Why Bipartisanship Is Destroying Us.


I've had this discussion several times, and since I have actually gotten some decent response, thought I would write it out for my Internet/Facebook friends.

Bipartisanship is a bad thing. Well, not always a bad thing, but more often than not a bad thing.

Not because it is wrong to work together on something, but because of how it can be manipulated.

I'll describe it this way:

Mr. L(eft) and Mr. R(ight) are coming together on a bill. Both have their own opinions. For the sake of argument, I'll weight their opinions on a scale.

Let's say 0 to 10, and since we read left to right, 0 = extreme leftist view, 10 = right-wing view.

Now, as they come together on their bill, Mr.R presents a bill at 10. Mr. L, rebuts with a 0. Average = 5. Middle ground (mean = median). All well and good. Now generally, Mr. R tends to think of and look at legislation on an independent basis (as most Conservatives understand and accept that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and the freedom to express it), while Mr. L basis everything on a greater agenda, and that is move the country to the Left and to force everyone to comply and accept their positions.

Now in real life, Mr. L rarely sits at a 0, and Mr. R rarely sits at a 10 on the ideology scale.

So, more realistically, Mr. R comes to the table with a Bill that is in the 7 range. Mr. L, knowing that the overall agenda is to continually move the country itself to the 0, counters with a bill in the 0 range.

Average = 3.5.

Mr. R, not happy with such an extreme bill, refuses to budge and is denounced as not being "bipartisan". So, Mr. R caves in, brings the bill to a 6, while Mr. L, to look like he caved in as well, brings his bill to a 1.

Average = 3.5.

Now, let's assign a starting point of 5 to show a starting state to the overall political status of the

country. (5+3.5)/2 = 4.25

Bill #2 is presented, same essential process happens all over again... 8 and 2, but under pressure of "bipartisanship", the bill is brought closer to a 6 again, and we end up with

Average =4.

So the political state moves to: (5+3.5+4)/3 = 4.1

Now, if anyone knows anything about statistics and averages...the more you skew an average to one side, the harder it is to move it back to the median point on the scale..

Ex:(5+3.5+4+8)/4 = 5.125

To get Mr. L to concede to a bill that sits at point 8 on the scale, would require a huge departure for Mr. L from his ideology.

This is what has been happening in politics now for a long time. Republicans and Conservatives have been bringing forth bills that at best fit in the 7 to 8 range, some sitting at or near 5...and Mr. L has taken advantage of it.

Meeting in the middle through Bipartisanship (mean or average) ends up unfortunately not meeting at the median - even though everyone is lead to believe that it's the "Best Ever" because both sides worked and voted on it.

For as bad as the Obamacare legislation is, it does go to prove this model. Mr. L went for the 0, and this time, got it. No offset, no balance. The people of the USA have now seen Mr. L for the full extent of his ideology, and where he sits on the scale. We have also seen the dangers of allowing too many "Conservatives" to sit in the 5 and 6 positions. Time to start the steady progression back to the right.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Had to share this rant, save it for future, too...

Neil Rosekrans SCAPEGOAT? Arizona's Congressional Democrats cite Gov. Brewer, state legislature as reason for voting in favor of healthcare bill. Press release says decisions made after Arizona government 'kicked close to 400,000 Arizonans off their insurance'. See the press release at StateBrief...

about an hour ago · · · Share
Jeffrey Shelton
The issue is the Federal Budget, Health Care Reform is the Scapegoat. In other words the Feds are raising our taxes in order to pay for their indescretions by imposing this monster of a bill. Arizona needs State Rights and needs to enact legislation to exempt it's citizens from mandatory insurance.
about an hour ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Of course they need a scapegoat. They know for the next four years, costs will rise before any real changes take effect, and when they do? Well... this was a highly unpopular move on their (Dem) part, and they need to throw as much blame off on some other Party as they can. They'll manipulate the voters from here to eternity with threats of "losing your coverage" and "Republicans are big fat meanies". It's all a part of the power grab.
about an hour ago ·
Reginald Bolding
Speak for yourself as far as exemptions. This law provides health care to 32 million additional Americans. 95% of the American people will be covered. This needed to be done, now it is.
about an hour ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
@reginald what if I came to you and said you needed to buy a semi truck. Even though you don't drive a semi truck. Then said if you don't buy it, we're going to fine you $3000, no exceptions. Well, you just bought a semi truck, whether you needed one or not.
about an hour ago ·
Jeffrey Shelton
Reginald, I agree there needs to be health care reform, but first things first, we need to balance the budget or risk an economic collaspe that will make the great depression seem like a pot hole.
about an hour ago
Jo Wespieser
how do a semi truck and health care compare?? EVERYONE needs health care at some point. The same does not apply to semi trucks.
59 minutes ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Now, the guy down the street buys one...drives the hell out of it for a year...blows the engine, then comes to you and MAKES you help pay for his blown engine. Even though you have an untouched semi truck in your driveway. So now you paid for that truck, plus the engine in someone elses. Then the guy across the street needs new tires...and guess what? You pay for those tires, too. No choice.
59 minutes ago ·
Jo Wespieser
Your analogy makes no sense. Again, everyone uses health care at some point. If you are saying it is like Social Security into which I've paid plenty but will never collect, then again, you are misinformed.
56 minutes ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Then..the neighbor 3 doors down, he's a mechanic. The guy with the blown engine goes up to his door and tells him he HAS to come and fix his truck. Mechanic says he only workds on Mack's, the blown engine guy has a Peterbuilt...but instead of calling another mechanic turns to the neighbor and says you HAVE to fix my truck. So now the rights of the mechanic to choose the types, times and locations to labor have been dictated to him by another.
54 minutes ago ·
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
The truck represents a product - this product being mandatory health insurance. It's a product, and you can place any product into the argument.

That being said, doesn't mean I am not for reform of some kind....I just don't want the government that gave us the Postal Service, Social Security, and Medicare/Medicaid (which I thought was set up for those uninsured anyways) to make decisions about the products I buy - but more importantly about FORCING me to purchase, whether I want to or not.
51 minutes ago ·
Jo Wespieser
So when you wreck that semi truck and you cannot pay for the medical costs and have no insurance... who pays
49 minutes ago
Reginald Bolding
Since we're speaking in what if terms then I'll join. What if you or someone you know gets cancer and you can't afford the treatment. Do you just give up and die or find the resources to ensure you continue living? Maybe this means spending money you dont have. Maybe this means going further into debt. Human lives are more important to me than...See More
45 minutes ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
@Jo Guess what? I was in that spot. No insurance, ended up pretty sick. Know what I did? I walked into an Urgent Care and told them UP FRONT that I could not pay for it...and we set up payment arrangements right then and there. Same with my daughter for her pre-K check-ups.
45 minutes ago ·
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
@reginald how do you receive health care? By someone else PROVIDING you a service. A right is not something you are PROVIDED with. No one bestows a right upon you. I right is something you are born with.

Secondly, to receive that care you must rely on the fruits of someone else's labor: the service a Dr provides to a patient. If your care is mandated, then that means the Dr. is then required, no madated, to provide you with his fruits, regardless of the tems with which he chooses to.

What do you do for a living Reginald? How would you feel if the government came into your office/work space and said you have to provide the people in your waiting room with your service, regardless of whether you wanted to or not? after they have a RIGHT to demand your service from you then, don't they? But you can't raise prices on your paying customers, because you no longer set the price for the work you perform. More work, less pay...lovely.
...See More
35 minutes ago ·
Jonathan Massey
Reginald, I'm curious as to what you mean by health care being a "right"? And at what level? Is public education for all, through secondary school, a "right"? Is having the best military machine in the world a "right"? What if the economy collapses and we can't afford all of these things? At that point, when these "rights" cannot be fulfilled (and ...See More
35 minutes ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Jonathan, agree...what happens to this country as we spiral into even more debt, just to give healthcare to those that don't want it (did you know that of that 32 million, 12 million were people that COULD afford coverage, but chose not to pay for it?) those that don't need it (another 10 million qualify for Medicare/Medicade but just have not ...See More
28 minutes ago ·
Barbara Chavez Reyes
The City of Tucson is considering a reduction on health insurance for retirees. Well, maybe the new health care bill will pick them up. Bahaahaaaa.
25 minutes ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
I also find it very interesting that the big evil Insurance Companies that everyone despises...have been making hand over fist since first bell Monday. Why, if this Obamacare bill was supposed to suppress their profits and make them less "Capitalistic Greedy Bastards"...would people by buying up their stock in droves? Think about it for a second people. The insurance companies that I will agree have some issues, just got paid by the Obama Administration thanks to Pelosi, Reid, et. al.
24 minutes ago ·
Jo Wespieser
We've spent far more on pointless occupation that we will on this reform. I don't remember being asked if I wanted to foot the bill on a needless war. The debt we have and are incurring iis laid at the feet of the Bushites.
23 minutes ago
Jonathan Massey
I think we're in a political cycle, and replaying the late 60s. I've thought for years that Bush was like LBJ. And Obama seems eerily like Nixon to me. In those days, we spent loads on war and welfare. And we know where it all led--not to Mars and beyond! And it's no coincidence that Obama is putting us into the hands of the Russians just to get into space.
20 minutes ago
Reginald Bolding
=We're not talking about the miltary, public education, and whatever else you mentioned that had no relevance to healthcare. Healthcare is a fundmental right everyone in America should be afforded. The argument that ppl die sooner than others is unacceptable if it could be prevented. People in America will benfit from the access provided to them to ...See More
18 minutes ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Uh. So tired with the Blame Bush argument. I bet the day after 9/11 you were out there waving a flag, or worried about where the next attack will come from. Unfortunately, whether you agree with the start of it or not, we are now responsible for finishing what Bush started in the best manner possible for the US and for those countries. We can't just leave a worse mess then what we made of it.
17 minutes ago ·
Chad Smith
Let's not forget that this bill will also reduce our deficit by over $1 trillion over the next 20 years, ensure no one (kids first) can be denied coverage due to preexisting conditions, & federalize all student loans.
17 minutes ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Reginald you want to prevent DEATH? Dude, if you can figure out that one, I'll invest in your company!
16 minutes ago ·
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Reginald, the CBO crunches the numbers it is given, regardless of likelyhood of them actually being realistic. For all intents and purposes, Pelosi could have told them that every day she wakes up and farts 30 billion dollars worth of gold out her ass, and they would HAVE to accept that in the revenue stream.

Do you realize the majority of the
...See More
11 minutes ago ·
Jonathan Massey
I certainly hope the health care bill cuts the deficit, Reginald, though I've seen commentary questioning whether that is right, or not, depending on declared Medicare savings, etc. And I certainly have no argument that health care for everyone is a desirable thing--and maybe even a reachable thing, even now. I just question the use of "rights"...See More
8 minutes ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
And lastly, a right is not something that is provided, it is something that you are born with, and is something that can only be taken away.

If you have to be given a right, you become beholden to the provider of that right.

If the government is giving you the right of healthcare, you have now become beholden to the government.
...See More
7 minutes ago ·
Reginald Bolding
I just spent the week listening to the leading minds in the world surrounding healthcare. It's agreed the bill is not great, but great should never be the enemy of good. I'll take their word over Joe the plumber any day.

We can agree to disagree that's what America is all about. Debate and Dialouge. I respect your arguments but disagree with them. That's why we get to vote for our elected officials. You win some, you lose some. This time the American ppl won.
3 minutes ago
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
And Reginald, I appreciate that you did not divergd from the topic like others do. However, I do agree to disagree with the statment that the people won. The only people that won are those that just made every person in this country beholden to them.
about a minute ago ·
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Peter Thebigshmoog Schmugge
Oh, and I agree...that's why we get to vote for our officials. Or vote against them as well.

Friday, March 19, 2010

(2/2) prefer to follow my main account @RodneyGlassman. Thanks! HAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!